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One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: mp3, ogg, wav.
One file only.
300 MB limit.
Allowed types: avi, mov, mp4, ogg, wav, webm.
Maximum 10 files.
300 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.


Permission to publish and share your story

The Our Market Project shares the stories of the South 9th Street Market in Philadelphia. The stories are made available through the Our Market Project website, which is publicly accessible to anyone with an internet connection, with no restrictions.

Once submitted, your story will be reviewed, copyedited, and published. Additionally, Our Market may feature your story, or parts of your story, in other mediums, such as social media posts, presentations, workshops, and other media formats.

You hereby grant the Our Market Project and managers Fiera Studios, and Mural Arts Philadelphia the following rights and permissions:

To publish your story on the Our Market website.
To make minor edits to my story for presentation (for example, removing long pauses), before it is made available publicly.
To share your story publicly through social media and in other venues, including presentations, workshops, and other media formats.

This release authorization is binding upon you, your heirs, legal representatives, and assignees. You have read and understood these terms, and you voluntarily agree to them of your own free will. You understand that you have the right to request the withdrawal of your story from the website and all materials at any time.


For good and valuable consideration, I hereby grant to Michelle Angela Ortiz (the “Artist”), Philadelphia  Mural Arts Advocates (“MAA”) and Fiera Studios LLC (“Fiera Studios”) (collectively together, the “Parties”), and their respective representatives, licensees, assignees, successors-in-interest, and project partners, the unlimited, perpetual right and permission to take or capture and use or edit my image, likeness, name, biography, voice, and speech (collectively, my “Likeness”) in connection with the  project known as the Our Market Project, and any and all promotion and advertising of same. I hereby waive the 1) right to inspect or approve any uses of my Likeness, and 2) any right I may otherwise have to royalties or any other compensation arising from or related to the foregoing uses. I hereby release and hold the Parties and any of their respective directors, members, officers, agents, employees, invitees, and customers, and appointed public relations, marketing and advertising agencies, harmless from all claims of any kind that I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate might otherwise have in connection with any of the foregoing uses of my Likeness.

I hereby irrevocably assign to Fiera Studios all right, title and interest in and to any work product related to or incorporated into the Project I create or author (collectively, the “Project Materials”) including all intellectual property rights and moral rights embodied therein (collectively, the “Project IP”).  I agree that any Project Materials created by me shall be fully original, and shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. In consideration of the foregoing, I understand that Fiera Studios hereby grants me a non-exclusive, revocable, fully-paid, non-transferable, non-commercial license to reproduce or publicly display the Project Materials for the purposes of promoting my portfolio, with the condition that I shall ensure that all Parties are all properly credited.  For clarity, the foregoing is not a commercial license.

Our Market Digital Archive

The Our Market Project shares the stories of the South 9th Street Market in Philadelphia. The stories are made available through the Our Market Project website, which is publicly accessible to anyone with an internet connection, with no restrictions.

Once submitted, your story will be reviewed, copyedited, and published. Additionally, Our Market may feature your story, or parts of your story, in other mediums, such as social media posts, presentations, workshops, and other media formats.

You hereby grant the Our Market Project and managers Fiera Studios, and Mural Arts Philadelphia the following rights and permissions:

  • To publish your story on the Our Market website.
  • To make minor edits to my story for presentation (for example, removing long pauses), before it is made available publicly.
  • To share your story publicly through social media and in other venues, including presentations, workshops, and other media formats.

This release authorization is binding upon you, your heirs, legal representatives, and assignees. You have read and understood these terms, and you voluntarily agree to them of your own free will. You understand that you have the right to request the withdrawal of your story from the website and all materials at any time.
The community member
Type your name in the field. It will serve as your electronic signature.
  • Por una consideración buena y valiosa, por la presente concedo a Michelle Angela Ortiz (la “Artista”), Philadelphia Mural Arts Advocates (“MAA”) y Fiera Studios LLC (“Fiera Studios”) (colectivamente juntos, las “Partes”), y sus respectivos representantes, licenciatarios, cesionarios, sucesores en interés y socios del proyecto, el derecho ilimitado y perpetuo y el permiso para tomar o capturar y usar o editar mi imagen, imagen, nombre, biografía, voz y discurso (colectivamente, mi “Imagen ”) en relación con el proyecto conocido como Proyecto Nuestro Mercado, y toda promoción y publicidad del mismo. Por la presente renuncio a 1) el derecho de inspeccionar o aprobar cualquier uso de mi Imagen, y 2) cualquier derecho que pueda tener a regalías o cualquier otra compensación que surja de o esté relacionada con los usos anteriores. Por la presente libero y exonero a las Partes y a cualquiera de sus respectivos directores, miembros, funcionarios, agentes, empleados, invitados y clientes, y agencias designadas de relaciones públicas, marketing y publicidad, indemnes de toda reclamación de cualquier tipo que yo, mis herederos, representantes, albaceas, administradores o cualquier otra persona que actúe en mi nombre o en nombre de mi patrimonio puedan tener en relación con cualquiera de los usos anteriores de mi Imagen.

    Por la presente asigno irrevocablemente a Fiera Studios todos los derechos, títulos e intereses sobre cualquier producto de trabajo relacionado o incorporado al Proyecto que creo o autorizo (colectivamente, los "Materiales del Proyecto"), incluidos todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual y derechos morales incorporados en el mismo ( colectivamente, el “Proyecto IP”). Acepto que cualquier Material del proyecto creado por mí será completamente original y no infringirá los derechos de propiedad intelectual de ningún tercero. En consideración a lo anterior, entiendo que Fiera Studios por la presente me otorga una licencia no exclusiva, revocable, totalmente pagada, intransferible y no comercial para reproducir o exhibir públicamente los Materiales del Proyecto con el fin de promocionar mi portafolio, con con la condición de que me asegure de que todas las Partes reciban el debido crédito. Para mayor claridad, lo anterior no es una licencia comercial.
A la miembro de la comunidad
Escriba su nombre. Le servirá como su firma electrónica.
Escriba su nombre. Le servirá como su firma electrónica.
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